Saturday, October 27, 2012

~oww snapp..


hy yall, guess its like forever since last time im update this blog, i used to update this blog whenever i feel really got nothing to do and wanna share somtehing, and for today, my pick is both, hihu,. really nate for those who left me to ajak jalan2, but, that just make a reason for my luvly reader to to read my blog, heee,.

just wanna share bout something that i heard from radio this morning, the talk was deliver by prof dr muhaya, there's a word from her that really touch me ' orang tu takkan rasa sunyi, kosong bila sorang2 kalau jiwa dia penuh dengan agama, kalau dia suka dan sayang diri dia, walau sorang sekalipun, dia takkan rasa sunyi kerana dia sayang roh dan yakin ada Allah sentiasa',. the word really owww snappp me,. i kind of person who luv to avoid being alone or the award of total loser is mine, i'd rather sleeping in hunger instead of eat alone. just if i shower myself wif more agama and love myself, should be no problem if im alone,.during the talk, the prof also has told about a doa ' ya Allah, berilah aku lebih dari apa yang aku minta kerna sesungguhnya engkau Maha Mengetahui', we can ask, yet, what we ask clearly for our present life, we totallly cant predict the future, just if we do, we dnoe either it still in the linear range of the calibration curve, aitceh,. also, we can add Al-Baqarah 216 to our doa,.

the thinker of this agama once told me, ' cakap agama ni jangan tunggu ada ilmu je, cakap dengan niat belajar dan Allah ajar kita, makin banyak kita cakap tentang Allah, makin banyak kita dapat, macam baling bola ke dinding, slow kita baling, slow dia datang kat kita, kuat baling, kena balik ke kita',.honestly, lets talk bout agama more, jangan nak gatal sangat berbual kawen je, kawen without agama siap2 takde beza cam mendirikan neraka dunia,. yes, aku nasihat diri aku,. wallahualam..

1 comment:

haziq said...

fenin r saye bace blog cik ni.. illlannng.. akal illaannngg.. (sangap r 2 kalo duk sorg2.. haha..)