terima kasih naib canselor ump,
i nver thought dt dz is d surprise bsday clebration dt u promise,
amy search perfomance was very stunning and magnificent,
he is unmitigated rockers soul ever live,
faizal tahir pun ade, tapi ade ak kesah? cak3
bersama gitaris the fuel, gmpak syal,hihu
gler.. bsday boy r siot..
dapt adiah lg..
gler.. gler..
(senget badan).. hoho..
amy x cam amy mastura lngsung..
n amy mastura x cam ely mazlein lngsung.. hoho..
pahcerohhh eli xtau plak eli mazlein tu dlu penyanyi..
woowwww sweet beb pojan..besday je mcm2 hadiah dpt tp concert ni xde r hadiah plg gmpak nooo..hadiah kasih syg yg org tu bg lg hebat dowh! mmg gileeerrrr n perrrfoorrrmm! hahaha
waaaaaaa!! aq mmg gle berkonsert ahh td..syioookkk beb! puas ati betul~
haziq -
aah, boi
cute kn?
aah, amy xcm amy mstura mhupn ely mzlin o ely iskndr
tp fazura ttp hot,
auwww panas!!
arie -
aah,konset xda' r adiah paliang gmpak no,
tp dpt tgk konsert dgn hangpa smua memiang bes
~mnde lu ksih syg?xdnye
datin -
aah, i saw it,
mmg kewl wei dorg,
ak join nynyi sme lgu,
tggu 50 thun lg la nk elly mazlin jd legend..
woyt! mana aci! nak gax artist2 nie perform dpn mata ak.. cool seyh.. Faizal Tahir tuh.. perghhhhh.. jeles3
sy xnk kumen disini tp sy nk kumen entri di ats..sila bc kumen sy di situ yea kwn..
ajim -
50 thun jd cm uji rshid je
xpn rshid sidek
ijatty -
2 r, nsem kn u ak
sgup brabes duet utk ak
mlu i
syamim -
my pleasure madamoiselle
rashid sidek perform atas pentas ke??
hahahaha... pe bengong ko jan..
tp malam tu mmg terbaek gilerr..
jerit2 sampy abeh sore, dah jd cam sore amy plak... hahahaha
pastu ko reti lak sopan jan, da la pkai baju melayu... hahaha, cemmar laa..
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